I am talking specifically talking about the person's body and how they "keep" themselves physically (meaning clean, hair is kept, and clothing is updated.) There is a better than 80% chance that the person you wish would notice you or you could meet is physically close to his or her ideal weight range. So now is the time to be realistic with yourself and it's going to hurt to admit this - very few people are attracted to someone "in THAT way" if that someone is overweight. Yes, of course there are exceptions to the rule so you can save your hate mail. However, it is a rule of thumb that you have to accept.
I am not telling you to go on a crash diet. I am not telling you that you aren't worth loving now. I am not telling you that you can't get a date or fall in love if you are overweight. That isn't what I am saying at all. What I am telling you is people are very superficial and as an overweight person, you already know this to be true. How many times have girls or guys passed you up for your thin friend? Even if that friend isn't as smart or nice as you? Kind of sucks right? Unfortunately that is the way of most of the world and that's why you have to accept that you have to "give 'em what they want".
While it's unfair, first impressions are lasting impressions. We are only human and nearly everyone is going to select the more physically attractive person before the less physically attractive person. Again, there are always exceptions but, in general this is the rule of thumb.
The good news? You have the power to change. But, it's going to take time and it is going to be a commitment. It isn't going to happen overnight but, it can happen - only if you're really to work at it. And you can start today.
Today's Mission - YOUR HAIR
Take a good long look at yourself in the mirror. Is your hair frizzy or messed or perhaps you're sporting a hair style from 20 years ago. Good news. You can change this and it can be done immediately. Remember, it's only hair. Hair will grow back if you don't like a new style or hair cut. Don't know how you want it done? That's why there are hair stylists. Most salons offer free consultations about how your hair type and which styles will work best on you. Most salons have hundreds of photos and a good stylist will know what to recommend to you. Don't be afraid to change, if it it's been 10 years since your last visit to the hair salon then tell the stylist that you're nervous. Most good stylists will help get you over the fear.
Guys this one is for you. You need to look at your facial hair. Do you have a beard or mustache? If yes, is it clean and trim? Or do you look like you just crawled out of a cave for the first time in your life. If you're not sure, have them clean you up with a trim at the hair salon. Then once you see what they've done, you can keep it up at home. Again, don't be afraid to change, even if it means shaving your beard or mustache off completely. Many of people, myself included, find the clean shaven look the most appealing on men. However, if you prefer facial hair just make sure you keep it trim and attractive. Yes, it take work but you know what? It's worth it - if you want to attract the type of people you are only wishing would pay attention to you now.
Is money the problem? Did you know that if you really look you CAN get a free haircut? It's going to take some serious research on your part but, it CAN be done. Here are a few examples:
- In the Carolinas - give blood, get a free haircut. Read the article here: http://www.garnercitizen.com/2009/08/give-blood-get-a-free-haircut/
- Get a free haircut in NYC and maybe even become a hair model: http://www.jaunted.com/story/2009/4/2/12938/36041/travel/How+to+Get+a+Free+Haircut+in+New+York+City+%28And+Maybe+Become+a+Hair+Model%29
- Beauty training schools are often looking for volunteers in exchange for free haircuts. Bookmark this site for reference: http://www.survivalinsight.com/cheap-haircuts.html
Make an appointment today and keep it!
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