Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Give 'em what they want - Part Three - Your General Appearance

This step will not come easy. It is going to take truthful self examination on your part. And, you will not achieve success overnight. Take a good long look in your mirror and in your closet. Is filled mainly with sweat-shirts, sweat-pants, jeans, t-shirts, and, pants with elastic waists? If yes, then you need to accept that you are sending a message to the world and that message isn't a positive one. If these are the only items in your closet or the only items you will wear you are clearly saying "I don't care and neither should you."

Stop right now! I already told you that you wouldn't want to accept this part. I told you that you needed to be truly ready to change.

Take a minute. Take a deep breath. Now think about it again. Aren't you in fact saying "I don't care and neither should you"? Trust me. I WAS YOU! So, I know every denial, every ounce of pain, and, every thing you don't want to admit to yourself right now.


What is good is that you're still reading. No one (especially not me) expects you to accept change easily. And there could be a lot of facts at play here. Perhaps you have a job that doesn't require you to dress. Perhaps you want to change but don't know how to start. Perhaps you don't know how to update your look.

RELAX. We will cover all these things in good time. Today is just about getting you thinking about how to change your look. And that starts with evaluating your closet, dresser, and your wardrobe.

You are going to make three piles:
  1. Things that don't fit. It doesn't matter if the item is too big or too small. If it doesn't fit you right now, then put it in the this pile - with the exception of clothing going in pile number 2 (directly below).
  2. Make a pile of things you can't part with - and no - you can't keep everything. These are items that have sentimental value. You will eventually get rid of these items too, just not now.
  3. The last pile is easy. Take one garment or outfit that is the biggest size you ever wore. This is going to serve as your reminder and inspiration of why you began changing your life in the first place. And, then (if you have one) take one garment or outfit that is your goal size. And this will serve as a reminder of where you need to get.
Now take the remaining clothing - items that DO fit RIGHT NOW - and put them away. Then you are going to put away piles 2 and 3. As for pile 1 - get a huge trash bag or two or 20 if you need them and stuff them until they are full. Take those clothes to your closest Salvation Army or clothing bin that accepts used clothing and give them to someone who really needs them.

Have you done all the things listed above? Come on, have you? Really? You have? Then a huge hug and a very warm and sincere congratulations from me to you!! You are on the way to changing your life.

I will remind you that the journey on which you are embarking is not an easy one. It's going to be hard not to slip back and let old habits resume, and, even if you do THAT'S OK! Just start the process over again. You CAN do this and you will feel great once you get there!

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